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Courtiers & Ambassadors

The Royal Courtiers are the charismatic men and ladies of the faire, known for their roles as the welcoming lords and ladies. Their primary duty is to seek out visitors, fondly referred to as "muggles," and escort them to the Royal Court to meet the Royals!


These Courtiers are the heart of the faire’s interactive experience, finding every opportunity to give each guest a Renaissance thrill they’ll remember long after they leave. A successful Royal Courtier ensures that muggles leave with stories to share, encouraging even more to visit and enjoy the majestic ambiance of the Royal Court.


The Royal Courtiers are a vibrant assembly of characters, including men in splendid costumes, ladies in breathtaking gowns, monks, bishops, jesters, ambassadors from foreign courts, highland clan chiefs, barons, viscounts, earls, dukes, court pages, sheriffs, constables, mayors, prop masters, and other esteemed roles such as Knights and Dames of the Realm.



Each Courtier, regardless of their chosen character, is an actor dedicated to entertaining and engaging with the audience. Some sing, others dance, recite poetry, or play games with the muggles. They might escort the Royals, host stick horse races, serve food, conduct ceremonies, or even play the role of lawyers in mock trials for "arrested" muggles. They create ribbon favors, perform mini-plays, share tales of ancient times, and ensure that no muggle in Hawaiian shirts or sunglasses goes unnoticed—they’re swiftly brought before the Court for trial, drubbing, or pardoning!


Beyond their theatrical duties, the Royal Courtiers also have the important task of keeping the Court area clean, orderly, and bustling with activities of all kinds. Their efforts ensure that the Court is always a lively and enchanting place, filled with the spirit of the Renaissance.

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