Former Council Members
We want to thank those who have served on our Privy Council in the past.
Below you will find their portrait, real name, faire name, highest faire title,
position on the Council and year(s) of service.
** Special Note** Following the Guild Bylaw update in January 2023 the Guild combined the Secretary and Treasurer positions into one Officer's position called "Clerk of the Privy Council". This position became official following the 2023 election.
L.A. Bonet​
Lady Anna Kaas
Baroness of Gray
President of the Council 2022-2023
Cisco Luiz Martinez
Sir WilliamWade
Earl of Devonshire
Assistant Guild Master 2022-2023
Deniele Cassarubia
The Lady Beatrix Ruthven
Guild Royal Châtelain
First Lady in Waiting
Secretary of the Guild 2022-2023
Dr. Ben Pfaff
Lord Robert Cecil
Earl of Lincoln
Treasurer of the Guild 2022-2023